Peel Health Campus transition

From midnight on 12 August 2024, Ramsay Health Care full responsibility for operation of the hospital transferred into public hands.
Planning for this enormous challenge commenced in late-2020, after the State government announced Ramsay Health Care would hand the keys to South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS).
HSS supported the SMHS led project with three essential components of the transition and commissioning activities: ICT, Workforce and Procurement and Supply, with the most significant change for transitioning employees being delivered by ICT.
As part of the change to existing services a large number of WA Health applications, new to a majority of the transitioning PHC employees, were implemented to ensure consistent models of care across the WA Health landscape and align with other SMHS hospitals.
To lessen the change impact, HSS successfully enabled and supported the early transition of all facilities management and medical equipment applications.
Introducing the hospital to the systems and applications used across the WA Health System, transitioned PHC from a predominantly paper-based hospital with old infrastructure, to an electronic based hospital with a new network, all new end user computer equipment and the installation of a fleet of 90 printers supported by a managed print service.
Transitioning in early August placed PHC in the fortunate position to directly benefit from some of our key ICT projects and programs of work. Single sign on (SSO) technology and a Critical Health ICT Infrastructure Program (CHIIP) designed network. The implementation of new contemporary network infrastructure has provided additional cyber security and has readied the site for Electronic Medical Records (EMR).
From a workforce perspective HSS supported the transition of Ramsay Health Care staff to become WA Health employees including providing employment contracts, onboarding into human resources and payroll systems, providing rostering training and support, and facilitating the recruitment of additional employees.
The HSS Procurement and Supply teams supported SMHS with establishing new contracts, procurement system training and transitioning the existing supply service to HSS management in line with other WA Health hospitals.
The transition of Peel Health Campus had added complexity because the transition needed to occur while the hospital was still fully operational.
The project team met this challenge through detailed planning and support from across HSS, in partnership with SMHS.
Although the transition period has concluded, the work does not stop here. HSS are now supporting a new hospital with over 1,000 employees, so the responsibility belongs to all of HSS to support Peel Health Campus as they embrace their new ways of working.
This is a great demonstration of the way we support and enable our customers to meet their goals.