Our Services
Western Australia is the largest area in the world covered by a single health authority. To keep a State-wide health care system that large running smoothly, it takes a village. And HSS is part of that village for our WA health system.
We proudly support more than 54,000 WA health system employees to provide excellent health care to our WA community. We do this by delivering great services. These services include, finance, payroll, procurement and supply, Information Communication Technology (ICT), and employee services.
We ensure the way we deliver these services is simple, reliable, responsive and sustainable.




HSS Contact Centre
Our customers (employees of the WA health system) can contact the HSS Contact Centre for support by calling 13 44 77. It’s a simple and streamlined way of contacting HSS.
Our team will aim to resolve queries in the first instance, however if a query is complex or requires specialist advice then the call may be transferred to a specialist team.
How to access our services
If you’re a staff member of the WA health system, you can access our shared services by:
- Visiting the HSS Customer Hub online to view support resources and information about our services. Email addresses for each of our service teams are available here.
- Calling our HSS Contact Centre on 13 44 77, Monday to Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm. You can speak to an HSS team member in our finance, payroll, procurement and supply, ICT, NurseWest, and employee service teams.
- Raising an IT Request through the internal online IT service portal.
- Calling our NurseWest team on 13 44 77, Monday to Sunday 5:00am to 10:30pm.
Note, if you work at WA Country Health Service (WACHS) or Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH), you should contact your local ICT Service Desk for ICT support.