Our Locations
We’re a diverse team of around 1,400 people, located at five sites across the Perth metropolitan area. Contact our locations through the HSS Contact Centre from 7:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday on 13 44 77.
Corporate offices
Our corporate offices are located in the Perth CBD:
- 140 William Street, Perth
- 81 St Georges Tce, Perth
- 3 Forrest Pl, Perth
Distribution centres
Our distribution centres are located in Jandakot, Perth at 632 Karel Avenue and 6 Marriott Road.
Perth metropolitan hospitals and health services

We have a number of field support employees located at Perth metropolitan public hospital and health sites to assist customers with onsite ICT related queries and issues.
Our NurseWest employees are also based at Perth metropolitan public hospital and health sites to assist customers by supplementing nursing, midwifery and assistant-in-nursing shifts.
In addition, we have supply personnel at sites to assist our customers with their supply inventory needs.