2022-2023 HSS Annual Report

We are pleased to present the 2022-2023 HSS Annual Report.
This report celebrates our achievements over the last financial year. It is a chance to pause and contemplate the successes we've experienced and the positive impact we've had on the Western Australian healthcare system through our collective efforts.
Together, in the 2022-2023 financial year, we:
- Continued to implement our 2022-24 Strategic Plan guided by our roadmap, Joornanginy, which is our path to achieving our purpose and our goals.
- Continued to improve the way WA Health employees are recruited, including shortening the time it takes to recruit new candidates.
- Established an employee value proposition to promote HSS as an employer of choice to assist us in recruiting and retaining the right candidates.
- Updated our Multicultural Action Plan, demonstrating our commitment to fostering an inclusive, diverse, and empowered workplace culture.
- Made strides on major digital and digitally-enabled programs and projects valued at $500M.
- Successfully delivered the Enterprise Medical Imaging Platform to hospitals in the South Metropolitan Health Service.
- Completed the design and build phase of the HRMIS program.
- Saw the closure of our business response to COVID-19.
These accomplishments, and so many others mentioned in this report, were only made possible through the dedication and effort of our people.
We encourage you to read through our Annual Report to discover how your individual and collaborative contributions have played a central role in our achievements over the past year.
We have again created Our Year at a Glance infographic video demonstrating how HSS supported the WA health system in 2022-2023.
We appreciate your commitment and contributions in realising our objectives and purpose, and we look forward to ongoing collaboration with HSS employees and our customers to ensure the WA health system continues to make a positive difference to the lives of Western Australians.