NurseWest celebrates two decades of compassionate care and spectacular service

On Wednesday 2 August 2023, over 50 dedicated nurses and passionate employees from NurseWest convened for a truly special morning tea to commemorate a remarkable milestone – two decades of unwavering commitment to the WA health system.
This gathering wasn't just an event, it was a chance for both past and present nurses to come together and share memories, accomplishments, and camaraderie that have defined their journey so far.
Jonathon Vincent, Director of NurseWest, hosted the event and shared some of his highlights over the past two years since joining NurseWest which included:
- Bolstering their support to WACHS and in the last financial year, a staggering 371,000 hours were dedicated to maintaining critical regional services.
- In May and June 2023, a surge in AIN support hours shattered all expectations, with both employee pool and agency pools contributing an unprecedented 79,572 hours in June alone.
- NurseWest orchestrated three pivotal procurement endeavours. From securing the WACHS emergency contract for additional nursing agencies to carving out their current AIN agency panel contract.
- Exploring new ways to engage their audience with the NurseWest Facebook page which not only offers exciting placement opportunities but also shares heart-warming stories and experiences that showcase the essence of their team.
“I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to work with such a great team delivering an exceptional service to Health,” Jonathon said.
Attendees stepped back in time and were treated to a photo slideshow of NurseWest over the past 20 years and five remarkable people were recognised for their dedication and commitment for being with NurseWest since its inception in 2003.
Big congratulations to:
- Robert Cotton
- Laura Kelly
- Sasha Ellis
- Christina Barclay
- Lisa Hema-Jones
After the presentation, Paul McEleny took the stage to give attendees an insight on what the future for NurseWest may look like with the new HRPlus system.
Huge congratulations to NurseWest for reaching this phenomenal milestone and well done to everyone involved for putting on a showstopper of an event!